Video and Audio Resources
There are so many excellent resources of amazing videos on this subject. Here are some that I was involved in producing:
In this first of three video series (What, Why, How), I present the utility of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSKUS) imaging as a tool in my clinical practice of physical therapy
This Video begins an expose' on How I use MSK POCUS in my practice. I use 8 case study groups to help explain how this tool has changed the way I practice and WHY I feel this imaging tool will move the Paradigm of Physical Therapy practice in the United States.
This video explores the Differential Diagnostic Process and begins an 8 part exploration of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging in the practice of Physical Therapy.
In this video number 2 of The WHY MSK POCUS series, I present several case studies that platform the utility of Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging in the practice of Physical Therapy.
Presentation for the APTA and the AIUM on the subject of Tendinopathy. My good friend, and a leading authority in PT diagnostic imaging, Colin Rigney, DPT, RMSK
The APTA and the AIUM asked 4 of us MSKUS practicing PTs to present our perspective on MSKUS use. This is my contribution to the webinar. Look up the 2 full webinars on the APTA website to get 3 other use profiles.
A webinar for the great people at Clarius Mobile Health. Oron is a Cool Doctor and the Medical Director for their team. Great people and Super Great Product.